Learn Swift From Objective-C : Variables, Classes, Methods and Properties

In this article series, we’re going to look at some of the differences between Swift and Objective-C. This tutorial is best suited for people who already know Objective-C (at least the basics) and want to see what the equivalents are in Swift. If you’re a non-programmer and you’re just beginning your journey into iOS development,… View Article
Written by

Chris C

Updated on

Sep 23 2019

Table of contents

    In this article series, we’re going to look at some of the differences between Swift and Objective-C. This tutorial is best suited for people who already know Objective-C (at least the basics) and want to see what the equivalents are in Swift.

    If you’re a non-programmer and you’re just beginning your journey into iOS development, I’d recommend taking a look at my course where you’ll learn Swift as part of learning how to build iPhone apps.

    Ok, so lets get into it! This is a handy language guide to keep around as you’re learning Swift.

    Variables and Constants

    Swift makes declaring variables less confusing for beginners because it sounds more like natural language. Also note that you no longer put a semi-colon to end a statement.

    Declaring an int variable


    In Objective-C, you always have to explicitly specify the type of variable you’re declaring.

    int highScore;
    NSString *playerName;


    In Swift, the “var” keyword is used to declare a variable and you don’t have to specify the type if it can be inferred from what you’re assigning it. Also notice in Swift, we’re using the String class as opposed to NSString.

    var highScore: Int
    var playerName: String

    Assigning to a variable

    Notice that when creating a string literal to assign to the string variable, we don’t need the “@” for Swift.


    highScore = 1000;
    playerName = @"Joe Chan";


    highScore = 1000
    playerName = "Joe Chan"

    Declaring and assigning constants

    In Swift, use the let keyword to declare constants.


    NSString *const skyColor = @"Blue";
    int const daysInYear = 365;


    let skyColor = "Blue"
    let daysInYear = 365


    Defining a class

    A notable difference in class definition with Swift is the absence of the header (.h) and implementation (.m) file.


    A header (.h) file

    @interface CustomClass : NSObject

    An implementation (.m) file

    @implementation CustomClass


    class CustomClass {

    Creating a new class instance

    Creating new classes in Swift is done with the classname followed by a pair of parentheses.


    CustomClass *instance = [[CustomClass alloc] init];
    CustomClass *secondInstance = [CustomClass new];


    var instance = CustomClass()


    Subclassing is very similar in both languages.


    In the header (.h) file

    @interface SpecificCar : Car


    class SpecificCar : Car {


    Declaring a method

    Declaring a method is easier for beginners to understand as well. Notice in the Swift example how the return type of the method is specified.


    In the header (.h) file

    - (int) getOdometerReading;

    In the implementation (.m) file

    - (int) getOdometerReading
       return 50000;


    func getOdometerReading() -> Int {
            return 50000

    Calling a method

    Often, beginners are confused as to when to use square brackets. Swift does away with the square brackets for calling methods and instead uses the dot-notation we’re accustomed to seeing with properties. Notice the parentheses in the Swift example for calling a method.


    SpecificCar *myCar = [[SpecificCar alloc] init];
    [myCar getOdometerReading];


    var myCar = SpecificCar()

    Declaring a method with multiple parameters

    A Swift method with multiple parameters is similar to Objective-C in the way that it’s structured in pairs of label:parametername


    - (void)changeEngineOil:(int)oil transmissionFluid:(int)fluid


    func changeEngineOil(oil:Int, transmissionFluid:Int) 

    Calling a method with multiple parameters


    [myCar changeEngineOil:10 transmissionFluid:10];


    myCar.changeEngineOil(10, transmissionFluid:10)

    Overriding a method

    In Objective-C, you can override a method of the super class by just defining a method with the same method signature in the subclass. In Swift however, we have to explicitly put the override keyword so that it’s clear that it’s an overridden method.


    In the implementation (.m) file

    - (void)someMethod
       [super someMethod];
       // Additional overridden behavior below


    override func someMethod() 
        // Additional overridden behavior below


    Declaring a property

    Declaring properties with Swift is pretty straight forward. In fact, it looks just like declaring a variable except where you declare it is what makes is a property. In Swift, every property needs to be assigned a value either during declaration or in the initializer.


    In the implementation (.m) file

    @interface SpecificCar ()
    @property NSString *transmission;
    @property int numberOfSeats;
    @implementation SpecificCar
    - (id)init
        self = [super init];
        if (self)
            self.transmission = @"Automatic";
            self.numberOfSeats = 4;
        return self;


    class Specific:Car {
       var transmission: String = "Automatic"
       var numberOfSeats: Int
           self.numberOfSeats = 4

    Overriding the getter and setter

    In modern Objective-C, the getter and setters are automatically synthesized for you but you can override them. The same is true for Swift and the syntax is a little easier on the eyes because it’s grouped together with the declaration.


    - (void)setTransmission:(NSString *)transmission
        _transmission = transmission;
    - (NSString *)transmission
        return _transmission;


    var transmission: String {
        get {
            return _transmission
        set {
            _transmission = newValue

    What’s Next

    In the next part of the series, we’ll look into the Swift equivalents of some Objective-C control structures and collections.

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