From working as a motion graphic designer to an iOS app developer

Denis is a motion graphic designer who got into the world of coding, which opened a door of opportunities and excitement in his life.
Written by

Chris C

Updated on

Jun 11 2024

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    Editor’s Note: The CWC Success Story campaign features our students’ diverse and unique journey. Every type of success has a place in this campaign: overcoming initial learning setbacks, landing exciting developer jobs, releasing iOS apps, or simply feeling the joy of learning a new skill. Whatever stories our students have, we all celebrate them here. If you have a story to tell, please share them through this link!

    Meanwhile, if you want to connect with Denis Yarets, our featured student for this article, feel free to reach out via his LinkedIn page here.

    Denis Yarets has been a motion graphic designer and 3D generalist for years which introduced him to the world of IT technologies. Although he was enjoying what he was doing, Denis just couldn’t let go of the thought of becoming a programmer.

    “I come from a background in 3D motion design, which allowed me some exposure to IT but I always had this aspiration to become a programmer.”

    So when an opportunity came to pivot his career, he took it, delved into coding, and never looked back. In this new path, Denis took his time to research everything he could and decided to go with iOS development because he admired Apple’s design principles and often used mobile apps in his daily life.

    Facing some challenges early on in his journey

    In his early stages of learning iOS development, he was faced with a challenging road of unclear teachings and the theoretical aspects of programming. Denis was filled with gaps in understanding the concepts and practical applications. Understandably, with all these happening, he was feeling demotivated.

    However, he did not let the stepback stop him from pushing through. He sought advice from experienced iOS developers who recommended he try CodeWithChris.

    “Once I engaged with CodeWithChris, everything clicked”

    Denis started checking out the CodeWithChris YouTube channel and was captivated by the How to Make an App in 8 Days 3-hour tutorial.

    According to him, what set CWC apart from others was the hands-on approach.

    “Rather than plodding through basic concepts, the course took me directly into the application-building process.”

    He also added that the interactive style was motivating and significantly enhanced the rate at which he was learning.

    “The practical approach gave me an immediate sense of purpose and boosted my motivation exponentially.”

    Since he started learning with CWC, it fortified his self-belief and made him identify more as a developer.

    His ultimate goal now is to secure a well-paying job in iOS development and broaden his skill set to help him become a versatile asset in the industry. His future plan is to eventually start his own app development company.

    Publishing his first app in 4 months

    After just 4 months of learning with CodeWithChris, Denis published his app called EggOnTime.

    Perfect for anyone who enjoys cooking, or learning how to cook, the app is designed to specialize in the perfect art of boiling eggs. It allows users to specify the condition of their egg and their preferred level of doneness.

    EggOnTime also tracks the boiling process in real time, providing users with the current condition of their egg.

    You can download EggOnTime in the App Store.

    Working on his second app

    Since gaining the knowledge and skills of iOS development and publishing his first app on the App Store, Denis is feeling more motivated than ever to work on something more sophisticated and ambitious. 

    His experience with CodeWithChris has given him a clearer career path he wants to pursue and is now gearing up to apply for jobs to rank up his experience even further.

    “Focus on what you genuinely want to create and build an app that you would love to use.”

    According to Denis, it’s important to do what you love, focus on what you want to create, and build an app that you can share with the world.

    If you’re just starting out, he recommends the How to Make an App in 8 Days full walkthrough.

    He also highlights the importance of finding the right learning material that will teach the foundations of iOS development to see if it is something you really want to pursue.

    The CodeWithChris Team extends its warmest congratulations and appreciation to Denis for sharing his story. We are proud of what you’ve accomplished so far.

    For anyone reading this, we hope that Denis’ story has motivated you in some way. If you need any help, our support team is always one click away.

    Are you a CWC student who has a success story to tell? Feel free to share it with us through this link.

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