He didn’t know if coding was for him at first. Then, he quit his job to build apps.

Jai’s rewarding career in event planning made him play with the idea of building an app that could make event planning easier.
Written by

Chris C

Updated on

Jun 11 2024

Table of contents

    Editor’s Note: The CWC Success Story campaign features our students’ diverse and unique journey. Every type of success has a place in this campaign: overcoming initial learning setbacks, landing exciting developer jobs, releasing iOS apps, or simply feeling the joy of learning a new skill. Whatever stories our students have, we all celebrate them here. If you have a story to tell, please share them through this link!

    “I decided I was going to learn how to code. So, I bought a MacBook and started searching for ways to learn.”

    Having been in the event planning industry for years, Jai Jordan knows it like the back of his hand. He’s planned every conceivable type of event possible, including events for the Prime Minister of Australia and President Joe Biden.

    With such incredible work experience, there is no better person to know what can be done to make things better in the industry. This is how he entertained the idea of creating an app to make event planning easier.

    However, without a coding background, Jai felt like he didn’t know where to start. But that didn’t stop him from taking a step and testing the waters. Eventually, Jai bought a Macbook and started searching for ways to learn coding.

    As he expected, it wasn’t a walk in the park. He started learning with whatever he could find online, including blog posts and YouTube tutorials. But despite having these materials, Jai was having a hard time and doubted if coding was for him.

    Discovering CodeWithChris and making the journey a lot easier

    Despite struggling at the beginning, Jai didn’t give up and eventually stumbled upon the CodeWithChris YouTube channel, which he said was exactly what he was looking for. 

    According to Jai, he appreciates the fact that CWC takes you through the basics, with instant application of the knowledge that you learn, as well as a community and mentors that can help. 

    As he was learning through the CodeWithChris YouTube channel, it was then that he considered enrolling in CWC+. 

    “I had been watching Chris’s free YouTube content and thought if this is what is for free, then there is bound to be some real value that can be derived from completing a proper course.“

    Coming from uncertainty to quitting his corporate job, and eventually built an event planning app

    After six months of learning with CodeWithChris, Jai decided to quit his corporate job to pursue app an app idea that he had. 

    In less than 2 years since he started his journey, he completed his app called Plan & Provide (P&P), which is a marketplace for planners and providers to connect and create seamless events. P&P is now available on the App Store.  Think AirBnB for the events industry.

    These days, Jai spends his time meeting with investors to raise funds and build a sustainable global business. He said all this wouldn’t have been possible without CodeWithChris and the team.

    “Learning code is one of the best ways to improve your thinking”

    This is what Jai has to say to people who are interested in learning how to build apps:

    “Practice, fail, practice, fail, practice fail, go to sleep, wake up fresh, practice, fail….make progress! Learning how to code is one of the best ways to improve your thinking, as you are forced to think of how you can embed your logic in the code, to make it work how you think it does.” 

    For Jai, coding forces you to test the code and make sure it is working the way you want it to, helping you become resilient by trying it again and again even when you fail. 

    The CodeWithChris Team extends its warmest congratulations and appreciation to Jai for sharing his story. We are proud of what you’ve accomplished so far.

    For anyone reading this, we hope that Jai’s story has motivated you in some way. If you need any help, our support team is always one click away.

    Are you a CWC student who has a success story to share? Get in touch with us at care@codewithchris.com.

    Are you a CWC student who has a success story to tell? Feel free to share it with us through this link.

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