A Designer’s Quest for Complete Creative Control

For 15 years, Jidé created product experiences and business models for clients worldwide. However, he wanted to do more, and this led him to learning iOS Development with CWC.
Written by

Chris C

Updated on

Jun 10 2024

Table of contents

    Editor’s Note: The CWC Success Story campaign features our students’ diverse and unique journey. Every type of success has a place in this campaign: overcoming initial learning setbacks, landing exciting developer jobs, releasing iOS apps, or simply feeling the joy of learning a new skill. Whatever stories our students have, we all celebrate them here. If you have a story to tell, please share them through this link!

    “I want the ability to build and execute applications that people can actually use to achieve their goals in life”

    As a designer, Jidé knows all about creating a product that serves its purpose. But his desire to leave a positive impact on individuals drove him to do more than just design. He wants to be involved with every step of creation, from design, to code and production.

    For Jidé, coding represents power. However, he realized that mastering coding can be challenging especially, without the support and insights of a close dedicated professional teaching team. But giving up was never in his vocabulary. Soon enough, he stumbled upon CodeWithChris after finding learning materials that weren’t exactly what he was looking for.

    Helping navigate the challenging journey of iOS app development

    What Jidé likes about CWC is the way it eliminates the unnecessary obstacles that may arise from outdated information or incorrect code, making his learning experience gradual, seamless, and highly efficient.

    Clear explanations of concepts and foundations also enabled him to better comprehend working with frameworks.

    Jidé recognized the limitation of free online resources and realized that he required additional assistance and support that comes with paid resources like CWC.

    According to Jidé, learning with CWC works for him about 95% of the time. The remaining 5% involves making minor adjustments to the suggested code to fit his specific needs.

    The way CWC teaches “empowers you, boosts your skills, and instills the necessary confidence to navigate the often challenging journey of app development,” he said.

    An app that supports health

    Jidé has always believed in creating something that leaves an impact on people and his mobile app Health Check Reminders hopes to do exactly that.

    The Health Check Reminders app supports individuals in achieving long and healthy lives by providing timely reminders tailored to their specific needs.

    With a significant number of individuals experiencing premature death due to heart disease, cancer, and chronic lower respiratory diseases, Health Check Reminders highlights the significance of regular health checkups in maintaining and improving overall well-being, leading to a longer lifespan.

    Download the Health Check Reminders app here.

    Discover your interest and do the hard work

    A piece of advice from Jidé is that if you want to learn iOS development but coding is new to you, you have to find your initial point of focus in this field. For him, at first the most important is to discover a concept that sparks your interest. From there, do the hard work and remember to celebrate, take breaks, and recharge.

    He also wants to tell anyone who wants to get into iOS development that even if you feel like you’re short on time, committing to a five-minute coding challenge daily will always be better than not starting at all.

    The CodeWithChris Team extends its warmest congratulations and appreciation to Jidé for sharing his story. We are proud of what you’ve accomplished so far.

    For anyone reading this, we hope that Jidé’s story has motivated you in some way. If you need any help, our support team is always one click away.

    Are you a CWC student who has a success story to tell? Feel free to share it with us through this link.

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