SwiftUI DisclosureGroup Code and Examples

SwiftUI’s DisclosureGroup creates collapsible content containers, ideal for forms or lists, keeping interfaces clean while accessing detailed information.
Written by

Joash Tubaga

Updated on

May 23 2024

Table of contents


    SwiftUI’s DisclosureGroup is a versatile UI component that allows developers to create collapsible content containers. This is especially useful in forms or lists where you want to keep the interface clean while still offering users the ability to access more detailed information as needed. This article will cover how to implement DisclosureGroup in SwiftUI, illustrating with an example where audio settings are managed within a form.

    Code Snippet

    import SwiftUI
    struct ContentView: View {
        @State private var isExpanded = true
        @State private var trebleOn = true
        @State private var bassOn = false
        @State private var levels = 0.5
        var body: some View {
            NavigationStack {
                Form {
                    DisclosureGroup("Audio Settings", isExpanded: $isExpanded) {
                        VStack {
                            Toggle("Treble", isOn: $trebleOn)
                            Toggle("Bass", isOn: $bassOn)
                            Slider(value: $levels, in: 0...1, step: 0.1)

    Code Explanation

    • @State variables are used to track the state of each control within the DisclosureGroup.
    • The DisclosureGroup is initialized with a title and an expansion state. Inside, it contains a VStack with a Toggle for treble and bass, and a Slider for adjusting levels.
    • .isExpanded binding allows the group to be programmatically expanded or collapsed, which is useful for responding to certain user inputs or other app logic.
    • The form automatically adapts to the content of the DisclosureGroup, showing or hiding the toggles and slider based on the group’s expansion state.

    DisclosureGroup in SwiftUI is an effective way to organize content in a user-friendly way, making your app’s interface cleaner and more intuitive. This example demonstrates how easily you can integrate dynamic components within forms, improving the overall user experience by exposing settings only when needed.

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