SwiftUI ShareLink – Display a Share Sheet

SwiftUI’s ShareLink simplifies adding sharing capabilities to your app, allowing users to share text, URLs, images, and more via the iOS share sheet.
Written by

Joash Tubaga

Updated on

Sep 16 2024

Table of contents


    This article introduces the ShareLink in SwiftUI, a convenient tool for enabling sharing capabilities within your app. ShareLink allows users to share content such as text, URLs, images, and more through the standard iOS share sheet. This feature simplifies the process of integrating sharing functionality, making it seamless for users to share content from your app with others.

    Code Snippet

    import SwiftUI
    struct ShareLinkExample: View {
        let textToShare = "Check out this amazing content!"
        let urlToShare = URL(string: "https://www.example.com")!
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
                Text("SwiftUI ShareLink Example")
                ShareLink(item: urlToShare) {
                    Text("Share URL")
                ShareLink(item: textToShare) {
                    Text("Share Text")

    Code Explanation

    • let textToShare = "Check out this amazing content!": Defines a constant string that will be shared.
    • let urlToShare = URL(string: "https://www.example.com")!: Defines a constant URL that will be shared. The URL is force unwrapped for simplicity, assuming it’s always valid.
    • ShareLink(item: urlToShare) { ... }: Creates a ShareLink for sharing the URL. The item parameter is the content to be shared, and the trailing closure provides the view to be displayed for initiating the share action.
    • Text("Share URL"): The view displayed for sharing the URL. In this case, it’s a simple text label.
    • ShareLink(item: textToShare) { ... }: Creates a ShareLink for sharing the text. The item parameter is the content to be shared, and the trailing closure provides the view to be displayed for initiating the share action.
    • Text("Share Text"): The view displayed for sharing the text. Again, it’s a simple text label.

    Controlling What You Share

    You can control what you share by customizing the item provided to ShareLink. For example, you can share different types of content based on user interaction or app state.

    Code Snippet

    import SwiftUI
    struct ConditionalShareLinkExample: View {
        @State private var shareText = false
        let textToShare = "Check out this amazing content!"
        let urlToShare = URL(string: "https://www.example.com")!
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
                Text("Conditional ShareLink Example")
                Toggle("Share Text", isOn: $shareText)
                if shareText {
                    ShareLink(item: textToShare) {
                        Text("Share Text")
                } else {
                    ShareLink(item: urlToShare) {
                        Text("Share URL")

    Code Explanation

    • @State private var shareText = false: Declares a state variable to track whether text should be shared.
    • Toggle("Share Text", isOn: $shareText): A toggle switch that binds to shareText, allowing the user to switch between sharing text and sharing a URL.
    • if shareText { ... } else { ... }: A conditional statement that determines which content to share based on the value of shareText.
    • ShareLink(item: textToShare) { ... }: Creates a ShareLink for sharing the text when shareText is true.
    • ShareLink(item: urlToShare) { ... }: Creates a ShareLink for sharing the URL when shareText is false.

    Customizing the Share Sheet

    To customize the content that appears in the share sheet, you can use ShareLink with a custom data type. Here’s an example of sharing a custom message with additional metadata.

    Code Snippet

    import SwiftUI
    struct CustomData: Identifiable {
        let id = UUID()
        let title: String
        let description: String
    struct CustomShareLinkExample: View {
        let customData = CustomData(title: "Amazing Content", 
        description: "This is an amazing piece of content you should check out!")
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
                Text("Custom ShareLink Example")
                ShareLink(item: customData.description) {
                    Text("Share Custom Data")

    Code Explanation

    • struct CustomData: Identifiable { ... }: Defines a custom data type conforming to the Identifiable protocol.
    • let customData = CustomData(title: "Amazing Content", description: "This is an amazing piece of content you should check out!"): Creates an instance of CustomData with a title and description.
    • ShareLink(item: customData.description) { ... }: Creates a ShareLink for sharing the custom data’s description. The item parameter is the content to be shared, and the trailing closure provides the view to be displayed for initiating the share action.
    • Text("Share Custom Data"): The view displayed for sharing the custom data. It’s a simple text label indicating the action.

    The ShareLink component in SwiftUI provides a straightforward way to incorporate sharing functionality into your app. By enabling users to share text, URLs, images, and other content through the standard iOS share sheet, ShareLink enhances the user experience and makes it easier for users to distribute content from your app. Utilizing ShareLink can significantly increase the reach and engagement of the content within your app, and with the ability to control and customize what is shared, you can provide a tailored and rich sharing experience.

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