SwiftUI ScrollView

ScrollView is a view that allows for scrolling through multiple child elements/views, such as Text, Images, Stacks, etc. Basic Code Example The content of a ScrollView can be a simple Text element as shown above, or it can be other views such as custom views and Stacks. The example above will have the default ScrollView… View Article
Written by

Chris C

Last Updated on

Feb 03 2021

ScrollView is a view that allows for scrolling through multiple child elements/views, such as Text, Images, Stacks, etc.

Basic Code Example

ScrollView {
  Text("Hello world!")

The content of a ScrollView can be a simple Text element as shown above, or it can be other views such as custom views and Stacks. The example above will have the default ScrollView settings, so it will be scrollable vertically and there will be a scroll bar indicator on the side to show scroll progress.

Changing the Scroll Direction

ScrollView (.horizontal) {
  HStack {
    ForEach(0..<10) { index in 

ScrollView ([.horizontal, .vertical]) {
  HStack {
    ForEach(0..<10) { index in 

ScrollView takes in axes parameters to specify the scroll direction. By passing in .horizontal such as in line 1, the view will now scroll horizontally rather than vertically.

The ScrollView can also be scrollable both horizontally and vertically, which is shown in line 9.

Visibility of the Scroll bar Indicator

ScrollView (.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
  HStack {
    ForEach(0..<10) { index in 

The showsIndicators parameter in line 1 takes in true or false to show or hide the scroll bar indicator respectively. The default setting is true.

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