Essential Tools You Need for iOS Development

We’ve listed all the practical tools you’ll need to be familiar with to be a successful iOS developer, whether you want to work solo or with a team.
Written by

Chris C

Updated on

Oct 04 2023

Table of contents

    We previously shared the technical skills you need to call yourself an iOS developer. Now, let’s know what tools to use to make specific development tasks easier.

    In this blog, we’ve listed all the practical tools you’ll need to be familiar with to be a successful iOS developer, whether you want to work solo or with a team.


    GitHub serves as a centralized hub for source code management and collaboration. It provides a secure and organized space for developers to store and track changes in their iOS app’s source code. GitHub enhances code quality. enables transparency, and fosters collaboration among developers.

    Figma for design

    Figma has been a household name in the world of website and app design in recent years, and rightfully so. Designing in Figma allows you to create pixel-perfect mockups, interactive prototypes, and design assets tailored to your app’s needs. It also has real-time collaboration features that allow designers and developers to work together efficiently. So if you think you’ll be working with a designer, Figma will be your best bet. Also, its cloud-based nature enables easy access to files from anywhere, making it perfect for remote teams and collaboration.

    Firebase platform for backend and analytics features

    The robust backend infrastructure of Firebase makes it easy for developers to set up a backend for their apps and have authentication and real-time database features as well as cloud functions. Also, Firebase’s analytics tools provide invaluable insights into user behavior, enabling developers to optimize app performance and user engagement.

    Bitrise for continuous integration

    Continuous integration is a process that enhances code quality through automated testing that detects issues early and accelerates the development cycle.

    The tool we recommend for this process is Bitrise, as it helps developers set up custom workflows that automatically trigger actions like building the app, running tests, and even distributing it to testers or the App Store upon each code change. It also offers a marketplace of integrations and plugins, allowing developers to extend its capabilities and tailor it to their specific iOS app development needs.

    RevenueCat for monetization

    RevenueCat is designed to simplify and enhance managing in-app purchases and subscriptions. It has a developer-friendly platform for implementing and tracking monetization strategies within iOS apps. RevenueCat also offers subscription management, revenue tracking, and user analytics, enabling developers to optimize their monetization efforts effectively.

    AppFollow for market research

    AppFollow serves as a comprehensive mobile app analytics and user feedback management platform that allows developers to monitor app performance, track app store rankings, and gather user reviews and ratings. With these tools, developers are able to make data-informed decisions to enhance app quality and have effective user engagement.

    Trello for project management

    Whether you’re working solo or with a team, you’ll probably be exposed to a kanban project management style, which Trello is specifically known for.

    Apart from a simple and straightforward approach to project and task management, Trello also supports integration with various other development tools and services, allowing developers to connect their work environment effortlessly. It likewise facilitates efficient communication within development teams and empowers developers to streamline project management and improve team coordination.

    Proxyman to debug web traffic

    Proxyman serves as a robust proxy debugging and monitoring tool that allows developers to intercept and inspect network traffic between an iOS app and external servers. It is very useful for debugging issues related to network requests, security, and performance optimization.

    At the end of the day, regardless if you want to be a professional or indie developer, tools aren’t that important because they’re easy to pick up and learn.

    What’s more crucial is equipping yourself with the right learning materials to teach you the foundations and skills needed.

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